From materials science and engineering to innovation for Europe.
FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm
NMP - Nanoteadused, nanotehnoloogiad, uued materjalid ja uued tootmistehnoloogiad
CSA-CA - Koordineerivad ja toetavad tegevused - koordineerivad tegevused
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M-ERA.NET will be a real tool for developing a strong European RTD community on materials science and engineering and for supporting the European economy with respect to the challenges of the 21st century.
M-ERA.NET will be a highly ambitious network involving a majority of European key players in national funding of materials science and engineering.
M-ERA.NET will replace a number of smaller previous ERA-NETs and cover the materials domain with an innovative and flexible umbrella concept for one single ERA-NET contract.
M-ERA.NET will set up a multi-annual policy for joint programming targeted at the whole innovation cycle.
Cooperation at an international level will enable the European RTD community to access world leading knowledge.
It is our mission to
- strengthen the status of the European RTD community and economy in materials sciences and engineering;
- mobilise critical mass of national and regional funding for transnational RTD cooperation in materials science and engineering, thereby achieving a very large leverage effect of the requested FP7 funding;
- set up a novel umberlla concept for cooperation to react to emerging needs and to allow coverage of future topics in related thematic areas;
- establish strategic programming of joint activities, addressing societal and technological challenges in an interdisciplinary approach;
- support the exploitation of created knowledge along the whole innovation chain;
- enable enlarged research cooperation within the EU member states and associated states;
- establish international cooperation with partners outside Europe;
- exploit the novel developments in a durable, long term cooperation between funding organisations.