abstract: |
This proposal addresses the great challenge faced by the SMEs in the construction sector of complying with today’s obligations and regulatory requirements regarding exchange of information on hazardous chemicals between various actors in the sector. The European construction sector, being the largest industrial sector highly dominated by small enterprises, is a major downstream user of chemicals and chemical-containing articles, including hazardous and particularly high-risk substances. Chemical safety at the working place represents a significant management burden for the construction companies and SMEs in particular, lacking knowledge, resources and systems for proper required chemical management. The most significant problem identified by the sector itself, is the lack of proper high-quality chemical risk information on the building sites, and low quality of safety data sheets (SDS) in particular. SDS is the major tool for hazard communication down the chemical supply chain to the end users and urgently needed to carry out legally required chemical risk assessment and risk reduction measures. The proposed ChemXchange chemical information exchange system seeks to fulfil the acute needs of the European construction sector regarding legal compliance particularly relevant due to the newly introduced European chemical legislation REACH, including challenges connected with chemical risk assessment, chemical communication up- and down the supply chain as well as and chemical management. Through a common sector-driven electronical chemical information system, the project seeks to solve all practical and judicial problems related to regulatory compliance as well as offering the sector a complete adapted business solution for total quality chemical management which does not exist today. Particular development focus will be to ease the information flow between the various actors, reduce the management burden and to include various needed information and management tool |