S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries
akronüüm: |
algus: |
2008-01-01 |
lõpp: |
2012-06-30 |
programm: |
FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm |
alaprogramm: |
INCO - Rahvusvaheline koostöö |
instrument: |
CSA-CA - Koordineerivad ja toetavad tegevused - koordineerivad tegevused |
projektikonkurss: |
FP7-INCO-2007-1 |
projekti number: |
212226 |
kestus kuudes: |
54 |
partnerite arv: |
24 |
lühikokkuvõte: |
The project’s aim is to strengthen the Scientific and Technological cooperation between the EU Member States (and Associated Countries) and the Eastern European and Central Asian countries. To achieve its goals, the IncoNet EECA project will implement activities at both the policy and operational level. At the policy level the project will support the establishment and operation of a Regional S&T Policy Dialogue Platform bringing together national representatives/policy makers from the EU MS (and AC) and the EECA countries, as well as representatives of the European Commission. Similar Platforms will also be created at bilateral level addressing in particular the cooperation with Russia and Ukraine. The role of the Platforms will be to develop a strategy for the cooperation, to identify priority fields for actions, to discuss joint approaches on global issues, etc. In addition, within the project, a particular attention will be paid to other EU policies and instruments (e.g. ENP, CIP) focusing in particular on the opportunities and synergies that may arise for the S&T sector. At the operational level the project includes a variety of activities aiming at: an enhanced participation of researchers from the EECA countries in FP7; the support of NCP/NIP structures in EECA with particular emphasis on the ININ network set up by INTAS; dissemination activities including key conferences, etc. In addition, the project includes a series of analyses, reviews and monitoring activities that will feed the policy dialogue at the level of the aforementioned Platforms. Finally, a particular attention will be given to the issue of sustainability beyond the limits of the project, for all the activities and structures that will be supported. |