Social protection in Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and the free movement of Labor
acronym: |
start: |
2001-07-01 |
end: |
2005-03-31 |
programme: |
FP5 - Euroopa Liidu 5. raamprogramm |
sub-programme: |
HUMAN POTENTIAL - Inimpotensiaali arendamine ja sotsiaalmajanduslik uurimistöö |
instrument: |
Thematic network contracts - Koostöövõrgud |
project number: |
57330 |
duration in months: |
45 |
partner count: |
partner no and role |
partner name |
country |
contact person |
web page |
1 |
coordinator |
BE |
16 |
partner |
Almacon OÜ |
EE |
Georg Männik |