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Modular devices for ultrahigh-throughput and small-volume nucleofection

acronym: MODEST
start: 2007-04-01
end: 2010-03-31
programme: FP6 - Euroopa Liidu 6. raamprogramm
sub-programme: LIFESCIHEALTH - Eluteadused, tervishoiule suunatud genoomikateadus ja biotehnoloogia
instrument: STREP - Sihtotstarbelised teadusprojektid
call identifier: FP6-2005-LIFESCIHEALTH-7
project number: 037291
duration in months: 36
partner count: 8
partner no and role partner name country contact person web page
1 coordinator AMAXA GMBH DE Herbert Müller-Hartmann
5 partner Protobios OÜ EE