Towards common digital government indicators and support for European cities
acronym: |
UserCentriCities |
start: |
2020-12-01 |
end: |
2023-05-31 |
programme: |
H2020 - Horisont 2020 |
sub-programme: |
SOCIETY - Euroopa muutuvas maailmas |
instrument: |
CSA - Koordineeriv ja toetav tegevus |
call identifier: |
H2020-SC6-GOVERNANCE-2020 |
project number: |
101004603 |
duration in months: |
30 |
partner count: |
9 |
abstract: |
Cities are at the forefront of delivering digital government in Europe, but they are not sufficiently involved in the policy debate and do not encounter sufficient support.
UserCentriCities is a project driven by six cities and regions to deliver the goa |