Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting
acronym: |
start: |
2021-03-01 |
end: |
2025-02-28 |
programme: |
H2020 - Horisont 2020 |
sub-programme: |
HEALTH - Tervishoid, demograafilised muutused ja heaolu |
instrument: |
call identifier: |
H2020-SC1-2020-Two-Stage-RTD |
project number: |
945238 |
duration in months: |
48 |
partner count: |
22 |
abstract: |
A major, albeit underestimated, by-product of urbanization is the exponential increase of human exposure to artificial light. Outdoor illumination, artificial sky glow, domestic lighting, light-emitting screens, etc. entrain circadian clock. Despite scien |