SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity
akronüüm: |
algus: |
2020-11-01 |
lõpp: |
2025-10-31 |
programm: |
H2020 - Horisont 2020 |
alaprogramm: |
FOOD - Toiduga kindlustatus, säästev põllumajandus, mere- ja merendusuuringud ning biomajandus |
instrument: |
projektikonkurss: |
H2020-SFS-2019-2 |
projekti number: |
862480 |
kestus kuudes: |
60 |
partnerite arv: |
23 |
lühikokkuvõte: |
The slow adoption by the agricultural sector of practices to promote biodiversity are thought to originate from three interrelated issues. First, we know little about which incentives effectively motivate farmers to integrate biodiversity into daily farm |