PrEseRvIng and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regionS
akronüüm: |
algus: |
2018-05-01 |
lõpp: |
2021-04-30 |
programm: |
H2020 - Horisont 2020 |
alaprogramm: |
SOCIETY - Euroopa muutuvas maailmas |
instrument: |
projektikonkurss: |
H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP-2017-two-stage |
projekti number: |
770504 |
kestus kuudes: |
36 |
partnerite arv: |
10 |
lühikokkuvõte: |
PERICLES promotes sustainable governance of cultural heritage (CH) in European coastal and maritime regions through the development of a theoretically grounded, multi-actor participatory framework. To meet this challenge, PERICLES has formed a strong interdisciplinary consortium comprised of research institutions, regional government and heritage partners representing 15 different disciplines.
PERICLES addresses the following objectives: a) develop an in-depth, situated understanding of the CH of marine and coastal land/seascapes, including knowledge across local, spatial, environmental, social and economic aspects; b), develop practical tools, based on stakeholder involvement and participatory governance, for mapping, assessing and mitigating risks to CH and to enhance sustainable growth and increase employment by harnessing CH assets; c), provide policy advice to improve integration of CH in key marine and environmental policies and the implementation of associated EU directives; and d), develop effective knowledge exchange networks.
To fulfill these objectives PERICLES uses a scientific approach guided by the theories of: a) space, place, and identity; b) resilience and adaptation; and c) deliberative and participatory governance. We will apply a range of participatory, deliberative and action research methods from the social sciences and arts directly involving decision-makers, stakeholders and the public.
PERICLES meets the needs of the work program by: contributing to European efforts to promote evidence-based research on the impact of participatory approaches in CH policies and governance; using a multi- and transdisciplinary approach; addressing in/tangible CH in a geographically balanced way; involving and developing CH networks of local stakeholders and policy makers; and contributing to improved implementation of European policies on coastal zones and maritime areas and providing evidence on how to link environmental and cultural policies. |