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Development of automated cargo lashing system

acronym: Truck-Safe
start: 2014-01-01
end: 2015-12-31
programme: FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm
sub-programme: SME - Väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele suuantud teadustegevused (VKEd)
instrument: BSG-SME - Teadustöö VKE huvides
call identifier: FP7-SME-2013
project number: 606169
duration in months: 24
partner count: 7
abstract: The Truck-Safe project focuses on improving cargo securing on HGVs as there are potentially 147 deaths and economic loss of €6.8 billion occurred as a result of avoidable insecure cargo securing in EU alone. The European market will have a production demand of 330,000 trailer units, Truck-Safe consortium is looking to achieve a minimum 3% market penetration which gives total predicted sales of about 9,500 units for year five post-project, resulting for SMEPs €128m additional sales and €50m additional profit. Truck-Safe will be uniquely placed in the market of cargo securing solutions, having following set of differentiations: -be fully automated reducing lashing times by 60 minutes and minimizing likelihood of human error -integration of alarm functions will provide detection system and automatically adjust load stress -incorporation of fibres into interwoven textile fabric matrix to improve resistance to environment -integrated sensor systems within the automatic tensioning device to keep cargo under tension -development of energy storage unit for truck-free usage of the system -fully automated self-ratcheting system with automatic return system and automatic pulling of fabric -on-board alarm to alert the driver in case of reduced tension on the cargo or over tension in the cargo securing straps. In order to provide these benefits, we will develop: -Multi-layer fabric -Automated self ratcheting system -Integrated sensor system, and integrate, optimize and validate the prototype.
partner no and role partner name country contact person web page
1 coordinator NWE Network Engineering Oy Ab FI Kimmo Weissenberg
2 partner Joloda International Ltd UK Wojtek Kordel
3 partner INDUSTRIAS PONSA S.A. ES Alex Ponsa Argemi
4 partner Eesti Innovatsiooni Instituut OÜ EE Lauri Nirgi
6 partner AXLOAD AB SE Erik Eklöv
7 partner Ab Närpes Trä & Metall - Oy Närpiön Puu ja Metalli FI Mats Winter