ICT-based Intelligent management of Integrated RES for the smart grid optimal operation
akronüüm: |
algus: |
2012-11-01 |
lõpp: |
2015-10-31 |
programm: |
FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm |
alaprogramm: |
ICT - Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiad |
instrument: |
projektikonkurss: |
FP7-ICT-2011-8 |
projekti number: |
318184 |
kestus kuudes: |
36 |
partnerite arv: |
8 |
lühikokkuvõte: |
Recognising the need, within the energy industry, to optimize the integration of renewable energy sources and new consumer energy needs in connection with socio-economic challenges, I3RES aims to integrate renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by incorporating intelligence at three different levels: in the integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and the development of control and management mechanisms that reduce the impact of its intermittency; in the facilitation of the participation of all actors in the electricity market; and in the overall operation of the network.
I3RES main goal is to develop a management tool for the distribution grid underpinned by 1) a monitoring system that integrates information from already installed systems (e.g. SCADA, EMS and smart meters); 2) energy production forecasting and network management algorithms that assist the distribution company in the management of massively distributed RES production and large scale RES production within the distribution network; 3) data mining and artificial intelligence to analyse consumers' energy demand and production in the distribution grid.
To monitor and track the project activities, I3RES has defined several key performance indicators to be validated in a real-life scenario in the town of Steinkjer (Norway) and in a simulator quantifying that the benefits of the project results outweigh the costs if they were not implemented in the energy market.
For this, I3RES comprises a well balanced consortium of industrial and research organizations, strengthened with a DSO that will play a leading role to quantify and validate the achievement of concrete market and technical needs involved in the introduction of an innovative smart grid management tool for DSOs and aggregators. Ultimately, this tool will enable consumers to play a new role and answer to different geographic market needs and expectations in connection with the transition to smart grids and integration of RES. |