Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
programm [ FP7 ]  instrument [ MC-IRSES

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Crossing Boundaries: Knowledge and Technology Transfer and Innovation

algus: 2012-12-01
lõpp: 2016-11-30
programm: FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm
alaprogramm: PEOPLE - Marie Curie tegevused
instrument: MC-IRSES - Marie Curie tegevused
projektikonkurss: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES
projekti number: 318928
kestus kuudes: 48
partnerite arv: 3
lühikokkuvõte: CrossingBoundaries aims to develop, through a programme of staff exchange, a new international & multi-disciplinary research community working in exploring the processes, challenges & implications on innovation performance of knowledge & technology transfer across national boundaries. This research community will focus particularly in addressing five research questions: 1. Who are the actors involved in the process of knowledge & technology transfer for the purposes of innovation across national boundaries? 2. What are the processes of knowledge & technology transfer across national boundaries & how do these differ according to the actors involved? 3. How do contextual factors (such as institutional divergence, cultural differences & geographic distance) influence the processes of knowledge & technology transfer across national boundaries? 4. How do organisational factors (such as technological capabilities, & the absorptive capacity of the firm) influence the processes of knowledge & technology transfer across national boundaries? 5. What are the implications for policy & policy transfer for innovation? The programme will contribute in the development of theoretical constructs in addressing the five research questions above, & provide an evidence base drawn from the experience of the countries involved in CrossingBoundaries that could be used to inform future research & policy. The proposed project will also develop country case studies that explore specific aspects (territorial, organisational and policy) aspects of these issues. An important aim of the programme is to create an enduring partnership and future collaborative research. This will be achieved in two ways. Firstly, the development of cross institutional doctoral supervision partnerships that will develop new researchers (augmenting the research community). Secondly, the involvement of the partner institution’s research and international officers in the programme of exchanges.
partneri jrk nr ja roll partneri nimi riik kontaktisik koduleht
1 koordinaator UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD UK Sheila Fry
2 partner Tallinna Tehnikaülikool EE Urve Venesaar