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Estonian Research Mobility Scheme

acronym: ERMOS
start: 2010-09-01
end: 2014-08-31
programme: FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm
sub-programme: PEOPLE - Marie Curie tegevused
instrument: MC-COFUND
call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-COFUND-2008
project number: 246297
duration in months: 48
partner count: 1
abstract: The Estonian Science Foundation (ETF) operates a number of fellowship programmes, including its programme for Postdoctoral Research Grants (PRG). ETF wishes to reinforce the incoming mobility strand of the PRG scheme to satisfy the demand of researchers and host organizations. This programme for incoming mobility and re-integration will be called ERMOS. ERMOS offers fellowships to Experienced Researchers with the aim to assist them in attaining and/or strengthening a leading independent position. Researchers have full freedom of choice of destination in Estonia and of their research topic, and can thus tailor their research project to their individual training and sustainable academic career development needs. The scheme is designed to support trans-national mobility of foreign and Estonian researchers. Eligible researchers are non-Estonian researchers who obtained their PhD degree no more than 5 years prior to the ERMOS deadline. The scheme is equally open for re-integration of Estonian researchers. Adequate working conditions will be offered. In addition, ERMOS aims to establish and enhance research links at an institutional level between research communities in Estonia and other Member States, Associated and Third Countries. The Estonian research community is small in size and increasing emphasis is therefore put on internalization of the local R&D institutions. ERMOS will contribute to enriching the research environment of the Estonian R&D institutions. Three calls for proposals will be published internationally, offering 45 fellowships of 2 or 3 years. All applications undergo international peer review. Applications are accepted across all scientific disciplines. ETF envisions networking activities in the scheme, with the view to support the career development of researchers. ERMOS enables ETF to substantially increase the incoming strand of an existing fellowship programme, and to substantially increase the numerical impact of supported re
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