Development of an innovative sanitation and wastewater treatment system for remote located tourist facilities
acronym: |
start: |
2009-04-01 |
end: |
2011-06-30 |
programme: |
FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm |
sub-programme: |
SME - Väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele suuantud teadustegevused (VKEd) |
instrument: |
BSG-SME - Teadustöö VKE huvides |
call identifier: |
FP7-SME-2008-1 |
project number: |
232274 |
duration in months: |
27 |
partner count: |
11 |
abstract: |
In the proposed SANBOX project a group of 5 European SMEs, all active in the market for decentralised wastewater systems, intends to develop an innovative, compact wastewater treatment system to serve the growing market for upgraded sanitation facilities for remote located tourist facilities such as mountain lodges or buildings in sensitive coastal and carst areas. The increasing interest of potential customers as Alpine Clubs, agro-tourism or hotels arise from more demanding regulations, the tourists’ increasing comfort expectations and the enterprises own interest in protecting and keeping the local environment attractive for tourists. To meet this demand the SMEs came up with a vision of a compact, low energy consuming, source separating and high performance wastewater treatment and handling system that is adapted to the specific end-user requirements. Due to limited own resources for research and innovation the SMEs intend to subcontract 4 highly qualified RTD performers to perform the needed research to develop the technical components of the system. The new system (SANBOX) includs innovative modules for blackwater and greywater treatment and an evapotranspiration system. In the final stage of the project three specific SANBOX prototypes tailored for three different target markets will be assembled and tested.. The prototype testing involves two end-users the Swiss Alpine Club and the Soline at Piran Saline Natural Park in Slowenia. The Swiss Alpine Club is one of the main operators of high mountain lodges in the Alps and aims to reduce potential emissions into the highly vulnerable alpine environment. Soline is a company with the a goal to start a sustainable tourism business around the Piran saline flats on the Mediterranean coast in Slowenia. This project provides the end-users an expected “zero-emission” solution regarding blackwater effluents and swimming water quality regarding greywater effluents, while the SMEs receive important research base as well as and user feedback for the development of the commercial product and dissemination of the results. The goal is to demonstrate that near “zero emission” of wastewater constituents is no longer science fiction. |