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partner country [ EE ]  search term [ TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL ]

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Developing the research potential of Institute of Chemistry at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

acronym: IC-UP2
start: 2009-02-01
end: 2012-01-31
programme: FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm
sub-programme: REGPOT - Teaduspotentsiaal
instrument: CSA-SA - Koordineerivad ja toetavad tegevused - toetavad tegevused
call identifier: FP7-REGPOT-2008-1
project number: 229830
duration in months: 36
partner count: 1
abstract: The objective of the current proposal is to develop the research potential of Institute of Chemistry at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. To achive the general objectives of the proposal, the following activities are foreseen: - stengthening partnerships and establishing new networks with the leading competence centres on the edge of bio-, materials and ICT sciences in Europe; - mobilizing human resources to reinforce competence base in interdisciplinary biochemical and material research; - drawing industry´s and other public attention and recognition to a researcher´s role and contribution to the society through an international conference; - upgrading of research infrastructure; - initation of pan-European joint research projects.
partner no and role partner name country contact person web page
1 coordinator Tallinna Tehnikaülikool EE Mihkel Kaljurand