A coordinated approach to access, experimental development and scientific exploitation of all European large infrastructures for high magnetic fields
acronym: |
start: |
2009-01-01 |
end: |
2012-12-31 |
programme: |
FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm |
sub-programme: |
INFRA - Teadustöö infrastruktuurid |
instrument: |
CP-CSA-INFRA - Koostööprojekt - koordineeritud toetavad tegevused - INFRA |
call identifier: |
project number: |
228043 |
duration in months: |
48 |
partner count: |
7 |
abstract: |
Research infrastructures are part of the EC’s current priorities in structuring the European research area. Among these, the importance of high magnetic field facilities has been recognized, as witnessed by the continued EC funding of many high magnetic field projects. Under FP6, three different projects have been accepted. The Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory ihas been running a RITA program (until 31/12/2007), whereas the TNA of all other European high field facilities is being coordinated by the I3 ‘EuroMagNET’ (until 31/12/2008). The European pulsed high magnetic field laboratories are executing a Design Study for the next generation pulsed field user facilities (until 31/3/2009). All these programs are running very satisfactorily and contribute to the excellence of Europe’s high magnetic field research. For FP7, the principal actors of Europe’s high magnetic field research, the Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Grenoble, France), the High Field Magnet Laboratory (Nijmegen, the Netherlands), the Hochfeld Labor Dresden (Dresden, Germany) and the Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Pulsés (Toulouse, France) propose to unite all their transnational access, together with joint research activities and networking activities into one I3, called ‘EuroMagNET II’. This I3 is considered as a very important step towards full collaboration between Europe’s high field facilities, which will bring European high magnetic field science to a comparable level of that in the USA. It is also a step towards the creation of a multi-site European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL). Within the context of the ESFRI Roadmap Update, a proposal for such an EMFL is currently under consideration, for a planned realization in 2015. |