Integrated Flooding Control and Standard for Stability and Crises Management
akronüüm: |
algus: |
2009-03-01 |
lõpp: |
2012-02-29 |
programm: |
FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm |
alaprogramm: |
TPT - Transport, sealhulgas lennundus |
instrument: |
CP-FP - Väikese- ja keskmisemahulised koostööprojektid |
projektikonkurss: |
FP7-SST-2007-RTD-1 |
projekti number: |
218532 |
kestus kuudes: |
36 |
partnerite arv: |
17 |
lühikokkuvõte: |
The size of new passenger ships is continuously increasing. Bigger size offers bigger opportunities and economics of scale, but when a bigger ship accommodates more passengers there may be a higher risk, if evacuation is needed. Thus, new approaches have to be used and further developed in order to have the flooding under control if the watertight integrity of the ship is lost. In the worst case, all flooding accidents may lead to the capsizing or sinking of the ship within a highly variable time frame.
The need to ensure safe return to port or at least sufficient time for abandonment, will form major challenge in ship design. However, the assessment of the available time and the evacuation decision are not easy tasks. This process is complicated and there is a notable lack of data. Thus, guidelines and methods to tackle these problems must be developed. New tools are required in order to increase the designers' and operators' possibilities to reliably evaluate the ship's capability to survive in flooding accidents.
This project sets to derive most of the missing data for validation of time-domain numerical tools for assessment of ship survivability and to develop a standard for a comprehensive measure of damaged ship stability, as a means of addressing systematically, rationally and effectively the risk of flooding.
Unlike any current regulations the envisaged standard will reflect the stochastic nature of the damaged ship stability in waves. It will be based on first-principles modeling and thus it will reflect the nature of foundering as a process comprising loss of either (or both), flotation and stability, but also and more importantly ultimate loss of human life.
Since risk-based, the standard will form a basis for decision support. It is expected that by explicit disclosure of the risks associated with ship flooding and thus addressed from early design to operation, the safety level can be raised substantially from levels of current legislation. |