Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
programm [ FP7 ]  partner-riik [ EE ]  otsingusõna [ C ]

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On the Margins of the European Community Young adult immigrants in seven European countries

akronüüm: EUMARGINS
algus: 2008-10-01
lõpp: 2011-09-30
programm: FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm
alaprogramm: SSH - Sotsiaalmajandus- ja humanitaarteadused
instrument: CP-FP - Väikese- ja keskmisemahulised koostööprojektid
projektikonkurss: FP7-SSH-2007-1
projekti number: 217524
kestus kuudes: 36
partnerite arv: 7
lühikokkuvõte: The extents to which different groups of young adult migrants are socially included or excluded, and the factors that facilitate inclusion or help cause exclusion is a vital issue for young adult immigrants, the nations they have joined, and the European Union whose policies have facilitated large volumes and rapid rates of change in migrant flows. Our central concept is that there are a range of factors that inhibit, or encourage, the abilities of individuals and groups to make the transition from excluded to included within societies. The principal aim of EUMARGINS is to identify and prioritise those factors that matter most (for specific young adult migrant groups and in different countries as well as for all young adult migrant groups and across Europe) and to lay a foundation for recommendations that can assist the transitions from exclusion to inclusion, particularly focusing on dominant factors of unemployment/jobs and the related education aspects. Given these premises the project will focus upon: ¿ Young individuals with immigrant origin in seven local urban-metropolitan areas in seven different European countries. ¿ In every research setting most and less marginalised immigrant groups will be investigated in order to provide a comparative framework also at the local level. ¿ Major social domain will be education and labour market. These are the most important arenas in which young adults have to establish themselves as active social actors in society. Other relevant areas of young adults’ interest such as leisure and socio-political activism will also be considered. ¿ The study focuses upon the experiences of social inclusion/exclusion among young adults with immigrant background living in Oslo, Gothenburg, London, Genoa, Metz, Barcelona and Tallinn. EUMARGINS will be based on a combination of biographical and ethnographical data-collection in the above mentioned cities, and in addition, analysis of available statistical data on relevant
partneri jrk nr ja roll partneri nimi riik kontaktisik koduleht
1 koordinaator UNIVERSITETET I OSLO NO Max Johannes Demuth
2 partner GOETEBORGS UNIVERSITET SE Margareta Ahlqwist
3 partner GOLDSMITHS' COLLEGE UK Jane Offerman
4 partner UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI GENOVA IT Patrizia Cerretesi
5 partner Grup Igia ES Oriol Romaní Alfonso
7 partner Institute of Baltic Studies EE Kristina Kallas