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partner country [ EE ]  search term [ Tartu Ülikool ]

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Advancing scientific performance and regional potential of Estonian biomedical research

acronym: ESTBIOREG
start: 2008-03-01
end: 2011-05-31
programme: FP7 - Euroopa Liidu 7. raamprogramm
sub-programme: REGPOT - Teaduspotentsiaal
instrument: CSA-SA - Koordineerivad ja toetavad tegevused - toetavad tegevused
call identifier: FP7-REGPOT-2007-1
project number: 205773
duration in months: 39
partner count: 1
abstract: Growing pressure of environmental and socio-psychological factors in modern society burdens our main host defence organ systems, neural and immune system, with a number of serious consequences. Therefore the understanding of the function of these two systems as well as the mechanisms of neurological and immunological disorders is our major challenge in biomedical field. With that in mind, the Centre of Molecular and Clinical Medicine of University of Tartu has set to its general mission to raise the level of Estonian medical research and to concentrate the skills and funds to selected cutting-edge areas of medical research, neuro- and immunological sciences. Current application is aimed to provide support for these scientific activities: the overall aim of current project is to advance the RTD performance and the quality of research in neuroscience and immunology carried out by the Centre of Molecular and Clinical Medicine at University of Tartu. Fulfilment of this overall aim requires several key measures that enhance the existing dynamic environment and collaborative links within the Centre and with other institutions in neurological and immunological research: short term visits of our staff (WP1), recruitment of incoming researchers (WP2), improving the Centre’s infrastructure (WP3), transfer of knowledge via workshops and conferences (WP4) and increased public visibility within the economic and social environment of Estonia (WP5). We are sure that this will raise the Centre’s research potential and helps us to provide high quality research for society.
partner no and role partner name country contact person web page
1 coordinator Tartu Ülikool EE Allen Kaasik