Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 12 projekti. alaprogramm [ SOCIETY ]  partner-riik [ NL ]  otsingusõna [ IP ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
H2020 - 693477 ACCOMPLISSH - Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities 2016-2019
H2020 - 822166 Governance - Democratic governance in a turbulent age -
H2020 - 769478 HERA-JRP-PS - HERA Joint Research Programme Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe 2017-2022
H2020 - 649307 HERA JRP UP - HERA Joint Research Programme Uses of the Past 2015-2019
H2020 - 693849 OpenGovIntelligence - Fostering Innovation and Creativity in Europe through Public Administration Modernization towards Supplying and Exploiting Linked Open Statistical Data 2016-2019
H2020 - 770504 PERICLES - PrEseRvIng and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regionS 2018-2021
H2020 - 101037328 PHOENIX - The rise of citizens voices for a Greener Europe 2022-2025
H2020 - 822638 PLUS - Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development -
H2020 - 870626 reCreating Europe - Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe 2020-2022
H2020 - 822330 TECHNEQUALITY - Technological inequality – understanding the relation between recent technological innovations and social inequalities 2019-2021
H2020 - 737460 TOOP - The Once Only Principle Project 2017-2019
H2020 - 726840 TROPICO - Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments 2017-2021