Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 9 projekti. alaprogramm [ HEALTH ]  instrument [ CSA-CA ]  otsingusõna [ Health ]

projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
FP7 - 219453 EUROCOURSE - Europe against Cancer: Optimisation of the Use of Registries for Scientific Excellence in research 2009-2012
FP7 - 242099 EUROREACH - EuroREACH A Handbook to Access Health Care Data for Cross-country Comparisons of Efficiency and Quality 2010-2013
FP7 - 260748 FIT FOR HEALTH - Promoting participation of high-tech research-intensive SMEs in Health 2010-2013
FP7 - 223154 GP-TCM - Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research in the Post-genomic Era 2009-2012
FP7 - 201068 HEALTH-NCP-NET - Coordination Action for Reinforcing the Health National Contact Points Network 2008-2013
FP7 - 249697 HIVERA - Harmonizing, Integrating and Vitalizing European Research on hiv/Aids 2010-2014
FP7 - 242177 LIVING DONATION - Living Organ Donation in Europe 2010-2012
FP7 - 602536 MAPPING_NCD - Mapping Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases Research Activities and their Impact 2014-2015
FP7 - 242181 RICHE - RICHE – a platform and inventory for child health research in Europe 2010-2013