Edukad projektid

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Leidsin 6 projekti. alaprogramm [ ENV ]  partner-riik [ LV ]  otsingusõna [ A ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
H2020 - 869237 BiodivClim - Promoting and implementing joint programming to reinforce transnational research at the crossroad between biodiversity and climate change -
H2020 - 101003777 BiodivRestore - Promoting & implementing joint programming to reinforce transnational research for the conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems 2020-2025
H2020 - 101003758 ENUTC - ERA-NET Urban Transformation Capacities 2020-2025
H2020 - 642007 ESMERALDA - Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking 2015-2018
H2020 - 101003587 TREASURE - leading the TRansion of the European Automotive SUpply chain towards a circulaR futurE 2021-2024
FP7 - 265144 VISION RD4SD - Producing a shared vision on how to harness Research & Development for Sustainable Development 2010-2013