Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 10 projekti. alaprogramm [ CITIZENS ]  instrument [ STREP ]  otsingusõna [ A ]

projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
FP6 - 506301 AIM - Adequate Information Management in Europe 2004-2007
FP6 - 506015 BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship 2004-2007
FP6 - 029038 CBCED - Challenges and Prospects of Cross Border Co-operation in the Context of EU Enlargement 2006-2008
FP6 - 028804 EUDIMENSIONS - Local Dimensions of a Wider European Neighbourhood:Developing Political Community through Practices and Discourses of Cross-Border Co-operation 2006-2009
FP6 - 001695 MOVE - The Moving Frontier: The Changing Geography of Production in Labour Intensive Industries 2004-2007
FP6 - 506372 PEACE-COM - Peace processes in community conflicts: From understanding the roots of conflicts to conflict resolution 2004-2007
FP6 - 506245 PROFIT - Policy responses Overcoming Factors in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequalities 2004-2007
FP6 - 028384 REDCO - Religion in Education. A contribution to Dialogue or a factor of Conflict in transforming societies of European Countries 2006-2009
FP6 - 029013 SAL - Society and Lifestyles: Towards Enhancing Social Harmonization through Knowledge of Subcultural Communities 2006-2008
FP6 - 028519 U-KNOW - Understanding the Relationship between Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Enlarging European Union 2006-2009