Edukad projektid

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Leidsin 16 projekti. programm [ H2020 ]  koordinaator-riik [ UK ]  otsingusõna [ IP ]

projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
H2020 - 696367 4D4F - Data Driven Dairy Decisions 4 Farmers 2016-2019
H2020 - 862993 AGROMIX - AGROforestry and MIXed farming systems - Participatory research to drive the transition to a resilient and efficient land use in Europe 2020-2024
H2020 - 813680 AQUASENSE - Innovative Network for Training in wAter and Food QUality monitoring using Autonomous SENSors and IntelligEnt Data Gathering and Analysis 2018-2022
H2020 - 666773 BlueHealth - Linking Up Environment, Health and Climate for Inter-sector Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in a Rapidly Changing Environment 2016-2020
H2020 - 787100 CCI - Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime 2018-2021
H2020 - 636573 CREATE - Congestion Reduction in Europe : Advancing Transport Efficiency (CREATE) 2015-2018
H2020 - 777449 ECDP - European Cohort Development Project 2018-2019
H2020 - 693989 ENLIVEN - Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe 2016-2019
H2020 - 765224 FATIGUE - Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe 2018-2021
H2020 - 691567 GN4-1 - GN4-1 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT 2015-2016
H2020 - 653497 PANORAMIX - Privacy and Accountability in Networks via Optimized Randomized Mix-nets 2015-2018
H2020 - 633814 PEGASUS - Public Ecosystem Goods And Services from land management - Unlocking the Synergies 2015-2018
H2020 - 822682 POPREBEL - Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism 2019-2021
H2020 - 693221 PROMISE - PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for 'conflicted' young people across Europe 2016-2019
H2020 - 774548 STOP - Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy 2018-2022
H2020 - 653729 Unity - Unity 2015-2018