Edukad projektid

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Found 8 projects. programme [ FP7 ]  sub-programme [ SSH ]  instrument [ CP-FP ]  partner country [ AT

Partner countries (number of times in projects)
project no acronym and title duration
FP7 - 217322 AMELI - Advanced Methodology for European Laeken Indicators 2008-2011
FP7 - 244335 ELDIA - European Language Diversity for All: Reconceptualising, promoting and re-evaluating individual and societal multilingualism 2010-2013
FP7 - 266920 EUBORDERREGIONS - European Regions, EU External Borders and the Immediate Neighbours. Analysing Regional Development Options through Policies and Practices of Cross-Border Co-operation 2011-2015
FP7 - 320330 FLAGSHIP - Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal cHallenges and Innovative Policies 2013-2015
FP7 - 290657 GRINCOH - Growth-Innovation-Competitiveness: Fostering Cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe 2012-2015
FP7 - 216813 IAREG - Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth 2008-2010
FP7 - 244147 MEDIAACT - Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe 2010-2013
FP7 - 266834 SEARCH - Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRegionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods 2011-2014