Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 6 projekti. programm [ FP7 ]  alaprogramm [ KBBE ]  instrument [ CP-TP ]  partner-riik [ UK

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
FP7 - 289582 3TO4 - 3to4: Converting C3 to C4 photosynthesis for sustainable agriculture 2012-2016
FP7 - 613609 HealthyMinorCereals - An integrated approach to diversify the genetic base, improve stress resistance, agronomic management and nutritional/processing quality of minor cereal crops for human nutrition in Europe 2013-2018
FP7 - 312004 INTENSO - Gaining Productivity, Cost Efficiency and Sustainability in the Downstreaming Processing of Bio Products by novel Integration and Intensification strategies 2012-2017
FP7 - 613717 OpIRIS - Online Professional Irrigation Scheduling Expert System 2013-2015
FP7 - 289376 ORGANICDATANETWORK - Data network for better European organic market information 2012-2014
FP7 - 311993 TARGETFISH - Targeted disease prophylaxis in European fish farming 2012-2017