Edukad projektid

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Leidsin 10 projekti. programm [ FP6 ]  alaprogramm [ LIFESCIHEALTH ]  koordinaator-riik [ DE ]  partner-riik [ DE

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
FP6 - 037486 BOOST BIOSYSTEMS - BOOST collaboration of SME and academia by initiating RTD consortia in the cross disciplinary field of BIOSYSTEMS technologies and network the players for a thematic cluster in the ScanBalt BioRegion. 2006-2008
FP6 - 510408 BOOSTING BALTIC FP6 - Boosting 4 ACC NCPs and their customers to advanced partnership, entrepreneurship and competitiveness for FP6 participation through expanded area of action by networking, training and coaching 2004-2007
FP6 - 503406 COMPETENCE REGION - ScanBalt COMPETENCEREGION - a model case to enhance European competitiveness in life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health on a global scale 2004-2006
FP6 - 037735 CPN-YAS-PRD - Contact Point Network to attract Young African Scientists to participate in EU-funded research programmes on PRD 2006-2009
FP6 - 512146 DIMI - Diagnostic Molecular Imaging 2005-2010
FP6 - 518254 ENFIN - ENFIN - an Experimental Network for Functional INtegration 2005-2010
FP6 - 018741 EUCLOCK - Entrainment of the Circadian Clock 2006-2010
FP6 - 037291 MODEST - Modular devices for ultrahigh-throughput and small-volume nucleofection 2007-2010
FP6 - 018771 MOLDIAG-PACA - Novel molecular diagnostic tools for the prevention and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer 2006-2009
FP6 - 512052 UPMAN - Understanding Protein Misfolding and Aggregation by NMR 2004-2008