Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 4 projekti. partner-riik [ PT ]  otsingusõna [ CABI ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
H2020 - 860104 GW4SHM - Guided Waves for Structural Health Monitoring 2020-2023
H2020 - 635750 iSQAPER - Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience 2015-2020
H2020 - 814426 NanoInformaTIX - Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Modelling Platform for NanoInformatics. 2019-2023
FP7 - 226273 WISER - Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery 2009-2012