projekti nr |
akronüüm ja pealkiri |
kestus |
H2020 - 700581
ATENA - Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures |
2016-2019 |
H2020 - 731505
BELLA-S1 - BELLA-S1 Building Europe Link with Latin America |
2016-2020 |
H2020 - 821511
BIOMAP - Biomarkers in Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis |
2019-2024 |
H2020 - 101004509
CHANSE - Collaboration of Humanities And Social Sciences in Europe |
2021-2026 |
H2020 - 830929
CyberSec4Europe - Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe |
2019-2022 |
H2020 - 806968
EHDEN - Electronic Health Data in a European Network |
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H2020 - 825575
EJP RD - European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases |
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H2020 - 779282
ERA PerMed - ERA-Net Cofund in Personalised Medicine |
2017-2022 |
H2020 - 853966
EU-PEARL - EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform |
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H2020 - 833673
FORESIGHT - Advanced cyber-security simulation platform for preparedness training in Aviation, Naval and Power-grid environments |
2019-2022 |
H2020 - 691567
GN4-1 - GN4-1 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT |
2015-2016 |
H2020 - 731122
GN4-2 - GN4-2 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT |
2016-2018 |
H2020 - 856726
GN4-3 - Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 (Topic [a] Research and Education Networking) |
2019-2022 |
H2020 - 856728
GN4-3N - Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 Topic [b] Increase of Long-Term Backbone Capacity |
2019-2022 |
H2020 - 822166
Governance - Democratic governance in a turbulent age |
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H2020 - 965345
HealthyCloud - HealthyCloud – Health Research & Innovation Cloud |
2021-2023 |
H2020 - 769478
HERA-JRP-PS - HERA Joint Research Programme Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe |
2017-2022 |
H2020 - 649307
HERA JRP UP - HERA Joint Research Programme Uses of the Past |
2015-2019 |
H2020 - 645216
Idealist2018 - Transnational Cooperation among ICT NCPs |
2015-2018 |
H2020 - 685451
M-ERA.NET 2 - ERA-NET for materials research and innovation |
2016-2021 |
H2020 - 958174
M-ERA.NET3 - ERA-NET for research and innovation on materials and battery technologies, supporting the European Green Deal. |
2021-2026 |
H2020 - 639034
NCP_WIDE.NET - Transnational Network of cooperation for WIDESPREAD NCPs |
2015-2019 |
H2020 - 643410
OpenAIRE2020 - Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 |
2015-2018 |
H2020 - 815098
PAsCAL - Enhance driver behaviour and Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes |
2019-2022 |
H2020 - 101018317
PHIRI - Population Health Information Research Infrastructure |
2020-2023 |
H2020 - 101017733
QuantERA II - QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies |
2021-2025 |
H2020 - 700151
Reaching out - demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU
2016-2019 |
H2020 - 830892
SPARTA - Strategic programs for advanced research and technology in Europe |
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H2020 - 956780
SURREAL - Systems approach of URban enviRonmEnts and heALth |
2021-2024 |
H2020 - 825147
TETRA - Technology harvest & transfer for an Open Internet initiative |
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H2020 - 737460
TOOP - The Once Only Principle Project |
2017-2019 |