projekti nr |
akronüüm ja pealkiri |
kestus |
FP5 - 59045
AEMBAC - Definition of common European analytical framework for the development of local agri-enviromental programmes for biodiversity and landscape conservation |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 59053
AG-MEMOD - Agricultural sector in the member states and eu:econmetric modelling for projections and analysis of eu policies on agriculture, forestry and the environment |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 67040
2003-2006 |
FP5 - 64472
ARCAGE - Alcohol related cancers and genetic susceptibility in Europe |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 58315
ARTEMIS - Acoustic research on turbocharged engine modelling of exhaust and inlet systems |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 66991
BALTDYN - Baltic Dynamics Initiative |
2001-2001 |
FP5 - 52296
BALTNET - Baltic Training Network on FP5 - next steps |
2000-2001 |
FP5 - 60977
BALTPORTS-IT - Simulation and IT-Solutions: Applications in the Baltic Ports´ Areas of the Newly Associated States |
2001-2003 |
FP5 - 52883
BASELINE - Natural baseline quality in european aquifers: a basis for aquifer management
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 53734
BIOFORUM - European biodiversity forum - implementing the ecosystem approach |
2001-2005 |
FP5 - 54338
BIT-HOUSE NET - the Baltic BIT-house Network for promotion and dissemination of Information Society Research |
2001-2002 |
FP5 - 58643
CARBOMONT - Effects of land-use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 60336
CHAPNET - Thematic network on combined heat and power |
2002-2004 |
FP5 - 60304
COLOGNET - Network of Excellence in Computational Logic |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 53606
COMPONENT+ - Development and applications of new built-in-test software COMPONENTs in European industries |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 58785
C.O.S. - Case-Only Study on the interaction of diet and genetic predisposition in the occurrence of breast cancer in young women |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 70001
CPP - Target specific delivery systems for gene therapy based on cell penetrating peptides |
2003-2006 |
FP5 - 53071
CROMA - Crop reflectance operational models for agriculture |
2000-2002 |
FP5 - 54604
CYSTATIN B IN EPILEP - Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy and Neural Apoptsis. A Genetic, Molecular, biological, biochemical and Pharmacological Approach to Cystatin B and Cystein Protease |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 63026
DASPTOOL - Development of TOOLs for direct digital alias free processing of RF and microwave Signals with demonstrations of their Application Potential |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 67968
DEMOTEC-A - Development of a monitoring system for cultural heritage through european co-operation - accompanying measure
2003-2004 |
FP5 - 62853
DIABETES PREVENTION - Nutritional primary prevention of type 1 diabetes |
2002-2006 |
FP5 - 60719
DOC@HOME - Home care and remote monitoring system for the population with special needs allowing expert advice to be generated ex situ based on the collected data |
2001-2003 |
FP5 - 57841
EBR-ON - European Business Register-Open Network |
2001-2003 |
FP5 - 52173
EDUCE - European database for ultraviolet radiation climatology and evaluation |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 67227
EDUPARK - Patient education in Parkinson'd disease |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 72465
EFEUERP - Flexible europe - mobility as tool for enhancing research capacity |
2002-2003 |
FP5 - 61947
EFIEA-II - European forum on integrated environmental assessment |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 60197
EFORESEE - Exchange of foresight relevant experiences for small european and enlargement countries |
2002-2003 |
FP5 - 64459
ELSAGEN - Ethical, legal and social aspects of human genetic databases. A European comparison |
2002-2004 |
FP5 - 60267
EMAS - European male ageing study: Prevalence, incidence and geographical distribution of symptoms of ageing in men, and their endocrine, genetic and psychological correlatesi |
2002-2009 |
FP5 - 59858
ENIRDG NET - European network for integration of renewable sources and distributed generation |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 57322
EPRIEE - Economic and Political Reintegration in an Enlarged EU: Implications for Regional Stability |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 67061
ESTER - The creation of seed and venture capital sources for small eastern european countries following the model od the yozma and technological incubators programmes |
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FP5 - 57499
ESTONIA 20 MW WIND - 8 X 2.5 Mw Wind Turbines With Crane-free Erection to be Implemented in Estonia |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 60907
ESTONIAN EVIKINGS - Establishment of the Virtual Centres of Excellence for IST RTD in Estonia |
2001-2002 |
FP5 - 64469
EU AND MICROFUNCTION - Functional assessment of interactions between the human gut microbiota and the host |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 69042
EUFABA - Faba bean breeding for sustainable agriculture |
2003-2006 |
FP5 - 51680
EUREYE - Visual disability due to macular degeneration in eledery european populations: a multicentre study of prevalence and risk factors. |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 54578
EUROCRAN - European collaboration on craniofacial anomalies |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 53683
EURON - European Robotics Research Network |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 67499
EURO-PSB - The european polymer solar battery |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 65335
EVIKINGS I I - Establishment of the Virtual Centre of excellence for IST RTD in Estonia |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 67117
EXLINEA - Lines of exclusion as arenas of co-operation: reconfiguring the external boundaries of Europe -- policies, practices, perceptions |
2003-2006 |
FP5 - 52507
FAME - Vocational identity, flexibility and mobility - in the european labor market |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 60377
FATE - Transfer and fate of harmful algal bloom (hab) toxins in european marine waters |
2002-2004 |
FP5 - 64944
Ferrybox - Ferrybox - from on-line oceanographic measurements to environmental information |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 51463
FOOD-PCR - Validation and standardization of diagnostic Polymerase Chain Reaction for detection of food-borne pathogens |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 67754
FOR-EMC - Forum of laboratories implementing EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 58384
GEM-EUROPE - Global Education in Manufacturing - EUROPE |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 52606
GENEMILL - Genetics for the next millennium |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 68728
GLOCALMIG - Migrants, minorities, belonging and citizenship: glocalization and participation dilemmas in eu and small states |
2003-2004 |
FP5 - 54409
GREENVEINS - Vulnerability of biodiversity in the agro-ecosystem as influenced by green veining and land-use intensity |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 57238
HABES - Harmful algal bloom expert system |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 57586
HIPE CFB - High Performance multi-fuel CFB with advanced steam cycle |
2001-2003 |
FP5 - 67213
HYCREF - Certified reference materials for the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons in water, soil and waste |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 66984
INBANKSS - Innovative banking systems and solutions |
2001-2002 |
FP5 - 67823
INCOLAB - Initiative and CO-ordination to prepare LABoratories in Newly Assosiated States for full implementation of the Low-Voltage Directive (LVD) |
2003-2006 |
FP5 - 58271
INFOPARK - Information, health & social needs of older, disabled people (Parkinson's disease) and their carers |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 62914
LIFETIME - Lifetime engineering of buildings and civil infrastructures |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 57231
MANTRA-EAST - Integrated strategies for the management of transboundary waters on the eastern european fringe - the pilot study of lake peipsi and its drainage basin |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 67482
MARBENA - Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the european economic area and the newly associated states |
2002-2006 |
FP5 - 64569
MASTER - Integrated pest management strategies incorporating bio-control for European oilsee rape pests |
2001-2006 |
FP5 - 64819
MASTITIS RESISTANCE - New breeding tools for improving mastitis resistance in European dairy cattle |
2002-2006 |
FP5 - 55368
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 54658
MOL-MECH-MAC - Molecular mechanism of macrolide antibiotic action and resistance: application in drug development |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 69050
MOLSTRA - Rapid tooling for the production of small and medium series of light alloy die cast components: moulds by stratoconception |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 86931
NAS-BRUNDTLAND - Nas- brundtland city energy network (extension To Contract No. Nne5/1999/72) |
2003-2003 |
FP5 - 53142
NEHOM - Evaluating housing and neighbourhood initiatives to improve the quality of life of deprived urban neighbourhoods and assessing their transferability across europe |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 52664
NEW P53 CANCER THERA - New Strategies for the Treatment of Cancer by Targeting Conformational Variants of the Tumor Suppressor p53 |
2000-2002 |
FP5 - 63016
OPENEVIDENCE - A Open Source Technology for Data Certification Value Added Services |
2002-2003 |
FP5 - 70478
OPET BUILDING - European Network For The Promotion Of Energy Technologies In The Building Sector |
2003-2004 |
FP5 - 58228
ORGANISING FOR ENLAR - Organising for EU Enlargement: A Challenge for the member States and the Candidate Countries |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 65197
PAPA - Programme for a baltic network to assess and upgrade an operational observing and forecasting system in the region |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 56775
POSA DWDM - Portable Optical Spectrum Analyzer for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Systems |
2001-2002 |
FP5 - 61836
POSA DWDM - Portable Optical Spectrum Analyzer for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Systems |
2002-2004 |
FP5 - 51237
POSITIVE - Phenological observations and satellite data (ndvi): trends in the vegetation cycle in europe |
2000-2002 |
FP5 - 56940
PRIMROSE - Process based integrated management of constructed and riverine wetlands for optimal control of wastewater at catchment scale |
2001-2003 |
FP5 - 54571
PROTEINURIC DISEASES - Nephrin in proteinuric diseases development of diagnostic, prognostic and treatment modalities |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 69702
P.U.S.H. - Public awareness on sustainable high - technologies |
2002-2003 |
FP5 - 69654
REALITY - Representative evaluation of evolving remote home-based patient monitoring delivery |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 61080
REASON - Research and Training Action for System on Chip Design |
2002-2004 |
FP5 - 58964
RECEPTOR HETERODIMER - Heteromerization of adenosine and dopamine receptor subtypes. Relevance for neuronal integration in normal and pathological states |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 63204
REDCAFE - Reducing the conflict between cormorants and fisheries on a pan-European scale |
2000-2002 |
FP5 - 64023
RESET - Roadmaps for European research on Smartcard Technologies |
2002-2003 |
FP5 - 68719
RIVER DIALOGUE - Empowerment and awareness building in river basin management through focus groups and citizens juries |
2003-2004 |
FP5 - 61815
SCENET-2 - The European network for superconductivity |
2002-2006 |
FP5 - 64829
SFVECTORS - Semliki Forest virus based therapeutic systems |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 64918
SIBER - Silicate and baltic sea ecosystem response |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 60904
SIBIS - Statistical Indicators for Benchmarking the Information Society in the EU and NAS: The eEurope & eEurope+ Indicators |
2001-2003 |
FP5 - 51521
SPONGE - Technology for the production of health related substances by marine sponges |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 57705
SURE/RESECO - Sustainable Urban Revitalization of Europe / Res Energy Concept |
2000-2003 |
FP5 - 800000005
SUSPORKQUAL - Sustainability in the production of pork with improved nutritional and eating quality using strategic feeding in out-door pig production |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 67758
ZINC - The role of zinc metabolism in Alzheimer's disease. Elaboration of a new strategy for prevention and therapy of Alzheimer's disease |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 52139
TARGETS FOR CANCER T - Identification, lead generation, structural biology and validation of targets for cancer therapy. an integrated methodological approach |
2000-2005 |
FP5 - 60790
THINK BALTIC EXTENSI - Towards Handicap Integration Negotiating Knowledge - Baltic extension |
2002-2003 |
FP5 - 67064
TRANSACT - Transsfer of successful supporting schemes for technology-based start-ups to innovative actions in newly associated countries |
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FP5 - 64824
VIS - Virus-induced Gene Silencing: Unravelling the Basis of a Mechanism and Its Exploitation for the Analysis of a Multitude of Individual Gene Functions in Plants |
- |
FP5 - 54676
VRTP IMPACT - Virus-resistant transgenic plants : ecological impact of gene flow |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 54192
VULCAN - Vulnerability assessment of shrubland ecosystems in europe under climatic changes |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 70066
WIRENET - Powerline data exchange for domestic and industrial automation based on uwb approach |
2003-2005 |
FP5 - 58715
WOOD-EN-MAN - Wood for energy - a contribution to the development of sustainable forest management |
2001-2005 |
FP5 - 53985
A challenging solar cell concept- the skilful intercalation of a nanostructured semiconductor by an extremely thin copper (indium) sulphide absorber
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 54773
Baltic states RTD Community in EU 5th Framework Programme (Mid-term evaluation and progress workshop) |
2001-2001 |
FP5 - 64541
Development of an animal feedstuff additive on the basis of microalgae and essential oils to stabilise the immune status of agricultural livestock |
2001-2002 |
FP5 - 64300
Development of high-density, whole-genome microarrays of single nucleotide polymorphisms |
2001-2002 |
FP5 - 800000001
Establishing Estonian Innovation Relay Centre |
- |
FP5 - 59901
European platform for biodiversity |
2001-2005 |
FP5 - 61370
Investigation of the possibilities and development of a model for reconstruction of heating systems in small towns and villages. pilot project in couties of east-and west-virumaa |
2000-2001 |
FP5 - 57934
Labour Markets, Work, and Welfare During the Transition and Integration Processes |
2002-2002 |
FP5 - 54954
New Generation Modular Building System for Housing Units With 3 Stores and More |
2000-2001 |
FP5 - 57330
Social protection in Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and the free movement of Labor |
2001-2005 |
FP5 - 53928
The Baltic Sea Area Studies: Northen Dimension of Europe |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 54039
Thematic network around cystic fibrosis and releated diseases |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 52600
The social problem and social problematisation of men and masculinities |
2000-2003 |