Edukad projektid

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Leidsin 53 projekti. programm [ FP7 ]  partner-riik [ BG ]  otsingusõna [ RESEARCH ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
FP7 - 211760 AGRIPOLICY - Enlargement Network for Agripolicy Analysis 2008-2010
FP7 - 266813 ALICE RAP - Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project 2011-2016
FP7 - 605116 ARCADIA - Assessment of Regional CApabilities for new reactors Development through an Integrated Approach 2013-2016
FP7 - 266546 BIODIVERSA2 - Cooperation and shared strategies for biodiversity research programmes in Europe 2010-2014
FP7 - 211363 BIO-NET - A Network of National Contact Points providing cutting-edge NCP services to the Knowledge Based Bio-Economy research community 2008-2012
FP7 - 226548 C-ENERGY - Connecting Energy NCPs A Pro-Active Network of National Contact Points in the Seventh Framework Programme under the Energy Theme 2009-2010
FP7 - 256725 CGS EUROPE - Pan-European coordination action on CO2 Geological Storage 2010-2013
FP7 - 234501 CIA4OPM - Optimising the policy mix by the development of a common methodology for the assessment of (socio-) economic impacts of RTDI public funding 2009-2011
FP7 - 212230 CLARIN - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure 2008-2011
FP7 - 218813 COSMOS - Coordination of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services 2008-2012
FP7 - 284434 COSMOS+ - Continuation Of the cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services 2012-2014
FP7 - 228461 EAST-NMR - Enhancing Access and Services To East European users towards an efficient and coordinated panEuropean pool of NMR capacities to enable global collaborative research & boost technological advancements 2009-2013
FP7 - 286814 EFFIHEAT - Development of high EFFiciency Stirling HEAT pump 2011-2013
FP7 - 212494 ENV-NCP-TOGETHER - Environment NCPs cooperating to improve their effectiveness 2009-2013
FP7 - 314201 ETNA PLUS - European Transport Network Alliance 2013-2015
FP7 - 249143 EURAXESS T.O.P. - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the Partners in the EURAXESS Services Network 2010-2011
FP7 - 295345 EURAXESS T.O.P II - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners. EURAXESS T.O.P II 2012-2014
FP7 - 312762 EUROFLEETS2 - New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleets 2013-2017
FP7 - 213998 EUROIDENTITIES - The Evolution of European Identity: Using biographical methods to study the development of European identity 2008-2011
FP7 - 212879 EURORIS-NET - European Research Infrastructures Network of National Contact Points 2007-2011
FP7 - 218076 EU-SEC II - Coordinating National Research Programmes and Policies on Security at Major Events in Europe 2008-2011
FP7 - 212292 FACEPA - Farm Accountancy Cost Estimation and Policy Analysis of European Agriculture 2008-2011
FP7 - 260748 FIT FOR HEALTH - Promoting participation of high-tech research-intensive SMEs in Health 2010-2013
FP7 - 320330 FLAGSHIP - Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal cHallenges and Innovative Policies 2013-2015
FP7 - 238952 GEO-SEAS - Pan-European infrastructure for management of marine and ocean geological and geophysical data 2009-2012
FP7 - 238875 GN3 - Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services (GN3) 2009-2013
FP7 - 605243 GN3plus - Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services 2013-2015
FP7 - 231367 IDEALIST2011 - Trans-national cooperation among ICT National Contact Points 2008-2011
FP7 - 212226 INCONET EECA - S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries 2008-2012
FP7 - 242177 LIVING DONATION - Living Organ Donation in Europe 2010-2012
FP7 - 218812 MYOCEAN - Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES Marine Core Services and capabilities 2009-2012
FP7 - 283367 MYOCEAN2 - Prototype Operational Continuity for the GMES Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Service 2012-2014
FP7 - 217152 NET4SOCIETY - Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities 2008-2011
FP7 - 233160 NMP TEAM - Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Trans-national Activities 2009-2011
FP7 - 246686 OPENAIRE - Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2009-2012
FP7 - 283595 OPENAIREPLUS - 2nd-Generation Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2011-2014
FP7 - 221922 PEOPLENETWORK - Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Marie Curie Actions (People NCP’s) 2008-2011
FP7 - 297550 PEOPLENETWORK+ - Trans-national Cooperation among NCPs (NCP) 2012-2013
FP7 - 314704 PLEEC - Planning for energy efficient cities 2013-2016
FP7 - 265182 PROMITHEAS-4 - Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios 2011-2013
FP7 - 203926 ResPotNet - Trans-national cooperation among Research Potential NCPs 2008-2011
FP7 - 612393 RRI TOOLS - RRI TOOLS, a project to foster Responsible Research and Innovation for society, with society. 2014-2016
FP7 - 226852 SCALES - Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales 2009-2014
FP7 - 283607 SEADATANET II - SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management 2011-2015
FP7 - 217937 SEREN - SEcurity REsearch Ncp network - phase 1 2008-2009
FP7 - 261814 SEREN 2 - SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase 2 2011-2013
FP7 - 244090 STEP - Status and Trends of European Pollinators 2010-2015
FP7 - 217605 STEPS - STrengthening Engagement in Public health research 2009-2011
FP7 - 285099 THE HOUSE - Enhancing European Coordination for National Research Programmes in the Area of Security at Major Events 2012-2014
FP7 - 217728 YOSCIWEB - Young people and the images of science on websites 2008-2010