project no |
acronym and title |
duration |
FP7 - 289582
3TO4 - 3to4: Converting C3 to C4 photosynthesis for sustainable agriculture |
2012-2016 |
FP7 - 211760
AGRIPOLICY - Enlargement Network for Agripolicy Analysis |
2008-2010 |
FP7 - 265686
AWARE - Animal WelfAre Research in an enlarged Europe |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 227138
BRIGHTANIMAL - Multidisciplinary Approach to Practical and Acceptable Precision Livestock Farming for SMEs in Europe and world-wide |
2009-2011 |
FP7 - 618110
C-IPM - Coordinated Integrated Pest Management in Europe |
2014-2016 |
FP7 - 618107
CORE Organic Plus - Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems |
2013-2018 |
FP7 - 603608
eartH2Observe - Global Earth Observation for integrated water resource assessment |
2014-2017 |
FP7 - 291864
ERACAPS - ERA-NET for Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences (ERA-CAPS) |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 613781
EUROLEGUME - Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed |
2014-2017 |
FP7 - 212292
FACEPA - Farm Accountancy Cost Estimation and Policy Analysis of European Agriculture |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 229827
FLAVOURE - Food and feed LAboratory of Varied and OUtstanding Research in Estonia |
2009-2012 |
FP7 - 213139
HYPE - High efficiency consolidated bioprocess technology for lignocellulose ethanol |
2008-2012 |
FP7 - 613717
OpIRIS - Online Professional Irrigation Scheduling Expert System |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 311879
QUESSA - Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture |
2013-2017 |
FP7 - 244121
REFRESH - Adaptive Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems |
2010-2014 |
FP7 - 286910
SHELLBRANE - Separating eggshell and its membrane to turn eggshell waste into valuable source materials |
2012-2014 |
FP7 - 222440
WATER-BEE - Low cost, easy to use Intelligent Irrigation Scheduling System |
2008-2010 |