Found 7 projects.
partner country [ TR ]
search term [ BALANCE ]
project no |
acronym and title |
duration |
FP7 - 266546
BIODIVERSA2 - Cooperation and shared strategies for biodiversity research programmes in Europe |
2010-2014 |
FP7 - 610650
C4E - Cloud for Europe |
2013-2016 |
FP7 - 218813
COSMOS - Coordination of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services |
2008-2012 |
FP7 - 284434
COSMOS+ - Continuation Of the cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services |
2012-2014 |
FP7 - 266800
FESSUD - Financialisation, economy, society and sustainable development. |
2011-2016 |
FP7 - 266834
SEARCH - Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRegionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 261814
SEREN 2 - SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase 2 |
2011-2013 |