Found 8 projects.
partner country [ AT ]
search term [ WASTE ]
project no |
acronym and title |
duration |
H2020 - 813680
AQUASENSE - Innovative Network for Training in wAter and Food QUality monitoring using Autonomous SENSors and IntelligEnt Data Gathering and Analysis |
2018-2022 |
H2020 - 688241
MAKE-IT - Understanding Collective Awareness Platforms with the Maker Movement |
2016-2017 |
H2020 - 857796
REGATRACE - REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe |
2019-2022 |
H2020 - 820971
ROBOMINERS - Resilient Bio-inspired Modular Robotic Miners |
2019-2023 |
H2020 - 821427
Saraswati 2.0 - Identifying best available technologies for decentralized wastewater treatment and resource recovery for India |
2019-2023 |
H2020 - 953214
upPE-T - Upcycling of PE and PET wastes to generate biodegradable bioplastics for food and drink packaging |
2020-2024 |
FP7 - 243632
EXAIRDEC - Development of Novel Exhaust Air Decontamination Process and Equipment for Food Processing Industry’s Applications, based on Non-Thermal Plasma Discharge |
2010-2012 |
FP7 - 218374
MOBI3CON - Developing Mobile 3D Data Collection, Processing and Dissemination Solution for Construction SME-s |
2009-2011 |