projekti nr |
akronüüm ja pealkiri |
kestus |
FP7 - 314206
ADAM4EVE - Adaptive and smart materials and structures for more efficient vessels |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 278913
BIOMARCARE - Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe |
2011-2015 |
FP7 - 306093
CHROMED - Clinical tRials fOr elderly patients with MultiplE Disease |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 602453
CloSed - Clonidine for Sedation of Paediatric Patients in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit |
2013-2018 |
FP7 - 244335
ELDIA - European Language Diversity for All: Reconceptualising, promoting and re-evaluating individual and societal multilingualism |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 259882
EPICE - Effective Perinatal Intensive Care in Europe: translating knowledge into evidence based practice |
2011-2015 |
FP7 - 266920
EUBORDERREGIONS - European Regions, EU External Borders and the Immediate Neighbours. Analysing Regional Development Options through Policies and Practices of Cross-Border Co-operation |
2011-2015 |
FP7 - 217524
EUMARGINS - On the Margins of the European Community Young adult immigrants in seven European countries |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 244305
EUNAMUS - European national museums: Identity politics, the uses of the past and the European citizen |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 212292
FACEPA - Farm Accountancy Cost Estimation and Policy Analysis of European Agriculture |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 313256
GLaSS - Global Lakes Sentinel Services |
2013-2016 |
FP7 - 602919
GLORIA - Understanding chronic pain and new druggable targets: Focus on glial-opioid receptor interface |
2013-2018 |
FP7 - 261202
ICRES - Integration of Chikungunya research |
2010-2014 |
FP7 - 602108
PREDICTION-ADR - Personalisation of tREatment In Cardiovascular disease through next generation sequencing in Adverse Drug Reactions |
2013-2016 |
FP7 - 242153
RIGHTTIMEPLACECARE - Improving health services for European citizens with dementia: Development of best practice strategies for the transition from ambulatory to institutional long-term care facilities |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 223091
SEYLE - Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe: Promote health through prevention of risk-taking and self-destructive behaviors |
2009-2011 |
FP7 - 244090
STEP - Status and Trends of European Pollinators |
2010-2015 |
FP7 - 290694
TENLAW - Tenancy Law and Housing Policy in Multi-level Europe |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 241542
WE-STAY - Work Toghether to Stop Truancy Among Youth |
2010-2013 |