projekti nr |
akronüüm ja pealkiri |
kestus |
FP7 - 266632
ACUMEN - Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 314206
ADAM4EVE - Adaptive and smart materials and structures for more efficient vessels |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 305018
ADHOPHTA - Adopting Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment in EU |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 602805
Aggressotype - Aggression subtyping for improved insight and treatment innovation in psychiatric disorders |
2013-2018 |
FP7 - 223483
ANCIEN - Assessing Needs of Care In European Nations |
2009-2012 |
FP7 - 278913
BIOMARCARE - Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe |
2011-2015 |
FP7 - 306093
CHROMED - Clinical tRials fOr elderly patients with MultiplE Disease |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 225382
EU4SEAS - The EU and sub-regional multilateralism in Europe's sea basins: neighbourhood, enlargement and multilateral cooperation. |
2009-2011 |
FP7 - 242058
EUCBCC - EUropean Cross Border Care Collaborations
Short Title: CrossEurope |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 217524
EUMARGINS - On the Margins of the European Community Young adult immigrants in seven European countries |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 314817
FAROS - Human Factors in Risk-Based Ship Design Methodology |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 320330
FLAGSHIP - Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal cHallenges and Innovative Policies |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 266806
FLOWS - Impact of local welfare systems on female labour force participation and social cohesion |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 602962
GAPP - GAbapentin in Paediatric Pain |
2013-2017 |
FP7 - 202162
LACTOBODY - Production and delivery of antibody fragments against gastrointestinal pathogens by lactobacilli |
2008-2012 |
FP7 - 320090
LIPSE - Learning from Innovation in Public Sector Environements |
2013-2016 |
FP7 - 309314
MODERN - MODeling the EnviRonmental and human health effects of Nanomaterials (MODERN) |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 602041
NeoVanc - Treatment of late onset bacterial sepsis caused by vancomycin susceptible bacteria in neonates and infants aged under three months |
2014-2019 |
FP7 - 305821
PROJECT INTEGRATE - Benchmarking Integrated Care for better Management of Chronic and Age-related Conditions in Europe |
2012-2016 |
FP7 - 261459
REFINEMENT - Financing systems’ effects on the Quality of Mental health care in Europe |
2011-2013 |
FP7 - 246026
RODIN - Suspended Graphene Nanostructures |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 266834
SEARCH - Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRegionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 223091
SEYLE - Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe: Promote health through prevention of risk-taking and self-destructive behaviors |
2009-2011 |
FP7 - 223143
TECHGENE - High throughput molecular diagnostics in individual patients for genetic diseases with heterogeneous clinical presentation |
2009-2012 |
FP7 - 290694
TENLAW - Tenancy Law and Housing Policy in Multi-level Europe |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 241542
WE-STAY - Work Toghether to Stop Truancy Among Youth |
2010-2013 |