project no |
acronym and title |
duration |
FP6 - 018949
CASCADE - Concerted Action on SeroConversion to AIDS and Death in Europe |
2006-2010 |
FP6 - 015833
ERA PILOT MINA TSI - European Research Area Pilot Action on MicroNano Technology Systems Integration |
2005-2007 |
FP6 - 513754
INDECO - Developing Indicators of Environmental Performance of the Common Fisheries Policy |
2004-2006 |
FP6 - 506480
LOWER3 - The Insecure Perspectives of the Low Skilled in the Knowledge Society |
2004-2008 |
FP6 - 506382
NUTRI-SENSE - Improving the quality of life of elderly people by co-ordinating research into malnutrition of the frail elderly |
2004-2006 |
FP6 - 042922
PARSEL - Popularity And Relevance in Science Education for scientific Literacy |
2006-2009 |
FP6 - 036890
2006-2009 |
FP6 - 511164
SCIENCEDUC - Renovation of science teaching in European primary education with inquiry methods |
2004-2007 |
FP6 - 012909
SENTINEL - Safety and efficacy for new techniques and imaging using new equipment to support European legislation. |
2005-2007 |