Edukad projektid

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Found 49 projects. instrument [ CA ]  search term [ B ]

project no acronym and title duration
FP6 - 022560 AFIBIO - Access to FInance in the BIOtech sector 2005-2008
FP6 - 016165 AMPERA - European Concerted Action to foster prevention and best response to Accidental Marine Pollution 2005-2009
FP6 - 018543 ATLAS - Action for Training in Land use And Sustainability 2005-2007
FP6 - 517836 BIODIVERSA - An ERA-Net in Biodiversity Research 2005-2009
FP6 - 510204 BONUS - BONUS for the Baltic Sea Science - Network of Funding Agencies 2003-2007
FP6 - 038785 BSR INNONET - The Baltic Sea Region Innovation Network 2006-2009
FP6 - 507740 CALIMERA - Cultural Applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resource Access 2003-2005
FP6 - 038946 CO2NET EAST - CO2 capture and storage networking extension to new member states 2006-2009
FP6 - 036195 COMPLEXITY-NET - European Network of Funding Agencies - Coordination of National Complexity Research and Training Activities 2006-2010
FP6 - 037735 CPN-YAS-PRD - Contact Point Network to attract Young African Scientists to participate in EU-funded research programmes on PRD 2006-2009
FP6 - 029937 CROSSWORKS - Transnational cooperation of crossborder innovation networks on policies and governance for improving R and D investment 2007-2009
FP6 - 511285 ELOGMAR-M - Web-based and Mobile Solutions for Collaborative Work Environment with Logistics and Maritime Applications 2004-2006
FP6 - 028604 ENBR - European Network for Better Regulation 2006-2008
FP6 - 028661 EPIGOV - Environmental Policy Integration and Multi-level Governance 2006-2009
FP6 - 015833 ERA PILOT MINA TSI - European Research Area Pilot Action on MicroNano Technology Systems Integration 2005-2007
FP6 - 011725 ERASME - ERA-NET on National and Regional Programmes to Promote Innovation Networking and Co-operation between SMEs and Research Organisations 2004-2007
FP6 - 022580 ESBIO - Development of a coherent approach to human biomonitoring in Europe 2005-2007
FP6 - 043003 EUROPEER SME - Best practices to bring research and innovation in European SME through the _peer review? method 2006-2009
FP6 - 518211 EUROPEHIVRESISTANCE - European Cohort coordinating network on HIV drug resistance 2006-2010
FP6 - 513754 INDECO - Developing Indicators of Environmental Performance of the Common Fisheries Policy 2004-2006
FP6 - 022550 INJECTION - InJection Networking actors in the medical device sector 2005-2007
FP6 - 022532 INNOTEX - The development of a cross cluster best practice platform for entrepreneurial innovation for the technical textile sector 2005-2008
FP6 - 038825 INNOVATION CIRCUS - Challenge and Illuminate Regional Creators and Unfold Societal Strength 2006-2008
FP6 - 511331 IST4BALT - Information Society Technologies Promotion in Baltic States 2004-2007
FP6 - 036229 MANUNET - Walking towards an European regionally based research area on new processes and flexible intelligent manufacturing systems 2006-2010
FP6 - 022472 MCLUSTERS - Integration Europe's Mobile ICT Community - Networking Innovation Activities, Entrepreneurs, Clusters and Leading Stakeholders in the Mobile Information and Communication Technology Sector 2005-2008
FP6 - 031968 MEDGENET - Euro-Mediterranean Network for Genetic Services 2006-2008
FP6 - 507083 MINERVAPLUS - Ministerial NETWORK for Valorising Activities in digitisation PLUS 2004-2005
FP6 - 508583 NATIBS - New approaches and tools for incubated biotechs smes (natibs) to enhanced participation in the 6th FP 2004-2006
FP6 - 020007 NETBIOCOF - Integrated European Network for Biomass Co-firing 2005-2007
FP6 - 506382 NUTRI-SENSE - Improving the quality of life of elderly people by co-ordinating research into malnutrition of the frail elderly 2004-2006
FP6 - 042922 PARSEL - Popularity And Relevance in Science Education for scientific Literacy 2006-2009
FP6 - 518148 POPULATION BIOBANKS - Harmonising population-based biobanks and cohort studies to strenghten the foundation of European biomedical science in the post-genome era 2006-2009
FP6 - 036266 PRIOMEDCHILD - Coordination of research on priority medicines for children 2007-2009
FP6 - 044406 PROMENPOL - Promoting and protecting mental health ? supporting policy through integration of research, current approaches and practice 2007-2009
FP6 - 044594 PSX2 - Participatory Science and Scientific Participation: The role of civil society organisations in decision making about novel developments in biotechnologies. 2007-2008
FP6 - 042980 REACT - Regional Empowerment in Actions and Concepts for Policy Development and Technology Transfer 2007-2008
FP6 - 030071 REGSTRAT - Strategic Policy Intelligence Tools for Better Science and Technology Investment Strategies in Europe's Regions 2006-2007
FP6 - 012909 SENTINEL - Safety and efficacy for new techniques and imaging using new equipment to support European legislation. 2005-2007
FP6 - 030144 SUPER-SME - Supporting Potential and Existing Research Intensive SMEs 2006-2008
FP6 - 042989 SUPPOLICY - Supporting policy making with innovative assessment tools 2006-2008
FP6 - 015981 TOSSAD - Towards Open Source Software Adoption and Dissemination 2005-2007
FP6 - 013654 TRAMS - Training and mentoring of science shops 2005-2008
FP6 - 510996 TYPES - Types for Proofs and Programs 2004-2008
FP6 - 517828 VISION - Shared knowledge base for sustainable innovation policies 2005-2008
FP6 - 045472 WE-GO - Enhancing Western Balkan eGovernment Expertise 2006-2008