Found 7 projects.
programme [ FP5 ]
coordinating country [ IT ]
project no |
acronym and title |
duration |
FP5 - 58785
C.O.S. - Case-Only Study on the interaction of diet and genetic predisposition in the occurrence of breast cancer in young women |
2001-2004 |
FP5 - 67061
ESTER - The creation of seed and venture capital sources for small eastern european countries following the model od the yozma and technological incubators programmes |
- |
FP5 - 53842
IMAGETOX - Intelligent Modelling Algorythms for General Evaluation of TOXicities |
2000-2004 |
FP5 - 66984
INBANKSS - Innovative banking systems and solutions |
2001-2002 |
FP5 - 63594
NATURE-GIS - A European thematic network for Protected Areas/Nature preservation and Geographical Information |
2002-2005 |
FP5 - 69702
P.U.S.H. - Public awareness on sustainable high - technologies |
2002-2003 |
FP5 - 61815
SCENET-2 - The European network for superconductivity |
2002-2006 |