Found 6 projects.
coordinating country [ FI ]
partner country [ IE ]
project no |
acronym and title |
duration |
H2020 - 871115
ACTRIS IMP - Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project |
2020-2023 |
H2020 - 739530
ACTRIS PPP - ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project
2017-2019 |
H2020 - 633464
DIABOLO - Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks |
2015-2019 |
H2020 - 824964
DIH² - A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production |
- |
H2020 - 730944
RINGO - Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations |
2017-2020 |
FP7 - 235548
NORFACE PLUS - NORFACE Transnational Programme on Migration in Europe |
2009-2014 |