Leidsin 19 projekti.
koordinaator-riik [ ES ]
partner-riik [ DK ]
otsingusõna [ R ]
projekti nr |
akronüüm ja pealkiri |
kestus |
H2020 - 862482
ARENHA - Advanced materials and Reactors for ENergy storage tHrough Ammonia |
2020-2024 |
H2020 - 952176
DIH-World - DIH-World - Accelerating deployment and matureness of DIHs for the benefit of Digitisation of European SMEs |
2020-2023 |
H2020 - 958445
ENSNARE - ENvelope meSh aNd digitAl framework for building REnovation |
2021-2025 |
H2020 - 779282
ERA PerMed - ERA-Net Cofund in Personalised Medicine |
2017-2022 |
H2020 - 872360
ETHNA System - Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres |
2020-2022 |
H2020 - 853966
EU-PEARL - EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform |
- |
H2020 - 727474
IC-Health - Improving digital health literacy in Europe |
2016-2018 |
H2020 - 814426
NanoInformaTIX - Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Modelling Platform for NanoInformatics. |
2019-2023 |
H2020 - 101021853
NOTIONES - iNteracting netwOrk of inTelligence and securIty practitiOners with iNdustry and acadEmia actorS |
- |
H2020 - 768567
RELaTED - REnewable Low TEmperature District |
2017-2021 |
H2020 - 691883
SmartEnCity - Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe |
2016-2021 |
H2020 - 955614
SMARTGYsum - Research and Training Network for Smart and Green Energy Systems and Business Models |
2021-2025 |
H2020 - 817819
SoildiverAgro - Soil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase |
2019-2024 |
H2020 - 641715
WaterWorks2014 - Water Works 2014-2019 in Support of the Water JPI |
2015-2020 |
FP7 - 305018
ADHOPHTA - Adopting Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment in EU |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 266813
ALICE RAP - Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project |
2011-2016 |
FP7 - 227138
BRIGHTANIMAL - Multidisciplinary Approach to Practical and Acceptable Precision Livestock Farming for SMEs in Europe and world-wide |
2009-2011 |
FP7 - 309314
MODERN - MODeling the EnviRonmental and human health effects of Nanomaterials (MODERN) |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 612393
RRI TOOLS - RRI TOOLS, a project to foster Responsible Research and Innovation for society, with society. |
2014-2016 |