Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 5 projekti. koordinaator-riik [ DK ]  partner-riik [ RO ]  otsingusõna [ A ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
H2020 - 692447 CAIV_EPBD - Concerted Action EPBD IV 2015-2018
H2020 - 820497 CAV_EPBD - Concerted Action EPBD V 2018-2022
H2020 - 727495 CORE Organic Cofund - Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems Cofund 2016-2021
H2020 - 817903 EFFECT - Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting 2019-2023
FP7 - 618107 CORE Organic Plus - Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems 2013-2018