projekti nr |
akronüüm ja pealkiri |
kestus |
FP7 - 314206
ADAM4EVE - Adaptive and smart materials and structures for more efficient vessels |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 306031
BestAgeing - Biomarker Research Alliance for Diagnosing Heart Disease in the Ageing European Population |
2013-2017 |
FP7 - 278913
BIOMARCARE - Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe |
2011-2015 |
FP7 - 610650
C4E - Cloud for Europe |
2013-2016 |
FP7 - 602453
CloSed - Clonidine for Sedation of Paediatric Patients in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit |
2013-2018 |
FP7 - 244237
COPHES - European coordination action on human biomonitoring |
2009-2012 |
FP7 - 218813
COSMOS - Coordination of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services |
2008-2012 |
FP7 - 284434
COSMOS+ - Continuation Of the cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services |
2012-2014 |
FP7 - 266838
DETECTIVE - Detection of endpoints and biomarkers of repeated dose toxicity using in vitro systems |
2011-2015 |
FP7 - 228461
EAST-NMR - Enhancing Access and Services To East European users towards an efficient and coordinated panEuropean pool of NMR capacities to enable global collaborative research & boost technological advancements |
2009-2013 |
FP7 - 217453
ECOINNO2SME - Support SMEs in Disseminating and Exploiting Research Results of ECO-Innovation |
2008-2010 |
FP7 - 244335
ELDIA - European Language Diversity for All: Reconceptualising, promoting and re-evaluating individual and societal multilingualism |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 226164
ERA.NET RUS - Linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS´/AC´ S&T programmes towards and with Russia |
2009-2013 |
FP7 - 609556
ERA.NET RUS PLUS - Further linking Russia to the ERA:
Coordination of MS/ AC S&T programmes towards and with Russia |
2013-2018 |
FP7 - 223858
EraSME² - ERA-NET on National and Regional Programmes to Promote Innovation Networking and Cooperation between SMEs and Research Organisations – Phase 2 |
2008-2010 |
FP7 - 321567
ERASysAPP - ERASysAPP - Systems Biology Applications |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 201619
ESNATS - Embryonic Stem cell-based Novel Alternative Testing Strategies |
2008-2013 |
FP7 - 217817
ETHICSWEB - Inter-connected European Information and Documentation System for Ethics and Science: European Ethics Documentation Centre |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 308454
EU BON - EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network |
2012-2017 |
FP7 - 249143
EURAXESS T.O.P. - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the Partners in the EURAXESS Services Network |
2010-2011 |
FP7 - 244519
EURECNET - European Research Ethics Committees’ Network |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 223300
EURODRG - EuroDRG – Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: towards Efficiency and Quality |
2009-2011 |
FP7 - 278709
EUROHYP-1 - European multicentre, randomised, phase III clinical trial of hypothermia plus best medical treatment versus best medical treatment alone for acute ischaemic stroke |
2012-2017 |
FP7 - 243864
FAMILYPLATFORM - Social platform on research for families and family policies |
2009-2011 |
FP7 - 218350
FAMOBS - Frequency Agile Microwave Bonding System |
2008-2012 |
FP7 - 604691
FI-STAR - Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research |
2013-2015 |
FP7 - 222116
HEAT SAVER - Development of a heat storage system to improve energy efficiency in CHP power plants and in solar driven industrial applications with high relevance to SME |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 603447
HERCULES - Sustainable futures for Europe’s HERitage in CULtural landscapES: Tools for understanding, managing, and protecting landscape functions and values |
2013-2016 |
FP7 - 602398
HypOrth - New approaches in the development of Hypoallergenic implant material in Orthopedics: steps to personalised medicine |
2013-2018 |
FP7 - 227122
2009-2012 |
FP7 - 231367
IDEALIST2011 - Trans-national cooperation among ICT National Contact Points |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 266044
I.FAMILY - Determinants of eating behaviour in European children, adolescents and their parents |
2012-2017 |
FP7 - 212985
INCONTACT - Network of the INCO-NCPs |
2008-2009 |
FP7 - 231590
INTELLEO - Intelligent Learning Extended Organisation |
2009-2012 |
FP7 - 312004
INTENSO - Gaining Productivity, Cost Efficiency and Sustainability in the Downstreaming Processing of Bio Products by novel Integration and Intensification strategies |
2012-2017 |
FP7 - 603378
MARS - Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress |
2014-2018 |
FP7 - 269335
MBAT - Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems |
2011-2014 |
FP7 - 244147
MEDIAACT - Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 217152
NET4SOCIETY - Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities |
2008-2011 |
FP7 - 223138
OSPI-EUROPE - Optimizing suicide prevention programs and their implementation in Europe |
2008-2013 |
FP7 - 266589
PROFILES - Professional Reflection-Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Education though Science |
2010-2014 |
FP7 - 607022
RegPol² - Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe |
2014-2017 |
FP7 - 242153
RIGHTTIMEPLACECARE - Improving health services for European citizens with dementia: Development of best practice strategies for the transition from ambulatory to institutional long-term care facilities |
2010-2013 |
FP7 - 608096
ROBOCADEMY - European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics |
2014-2017 |
FP7 - 213034
RUDI - Assessing the Impact of Rural Development Policies |
2008-2010 |
FP7 - 226852
SCALES - Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales |
2009-2014 |
FP7 - 314247
SKILLPRO - Skill-based Propagation of "Plug&Produce"-Devices in Reconfigurable Production Systems by AML |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 290694
TENLAW - Tenancy Law and Housing Policy in Multi-level Europe |
2012-2015 |
FP7 - 218878
TRANSCOSME - Transnational Cooperation of the European Network of NCP SME |
2008-2012 |
FP7 - 319962
UPSIDE - User-driven Participatory Solutions for Innovation in Digitally-centred Ecosystems |
2013-2016 |
FP7 - 226273
WISER - Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery |
2009-2012 |